Number converter
Number converter
The number converter will help you learn the naming system for numbers from value to name on a short scale.
Number translation
Numbers were used in ancient times by different civilizations, each of which had its own number system. Today we designate numbers with Arabic characters, less often - Roman, and use the decimal number system, in which each subsequent character of the number is formed by the ten previous ones, for example, 10 units form 1 ten, 10 tens - 1 hundred and so on. In addition to generally accepted values, there are also conditional ones: a pair denotes a double amount, a triple triple, a dozen is 12 units, respectively, half a dozen is 6. A damn dozen differs from the standard one by one unit and is 13. Less commonly used is a gross value equal to a dozen dozen, that is, 12 in the second degree - 144. Fractional numbers are used to characterize the part of the integer, where half is the part obtained by dividing the integer by 2, one third, respectively, by 3, a quarter by 4, etc. Knowing any of these parts, you can find the value of the whole using the number converter. Short scale On a short scale, the names of large numbers are constructed as follows: at the beginning there is a Latin numeral denoting the degree of a thousand, and at the end the suffix “-illion” is added to it. The exception is the name "million", which is formed from the Latin numeral mille "thousand" using the suffix "-on" -one). So the numbers are obtained - a million, a billion, a trillion, a quadrillion, a quintillion, a sextillion, etc. The short-scale number naming system is used in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey. The number of zeros in the number recorded by this system is determined by the formula 3 · x + 3 (where x is the Latin numeral). Long scale The names of numbers in this system are constructed as follows: add the suffix “-on” to the Latin numeral denoting the degree of a million, the name of the next number (1000 times larger) is formed from the same Latin numeral, but with the suffix “-ard”. That is, after a trillion in this system there is a trillion, and only then a quadrillion, followed by a quadrillion, etc. The number of zeros in a number written by this system and ending with the suffix "-illion" is determined by the formula 6 · x (where x - Latin numeral) and according to the formula 6 · x + 3 for numbers ending in "-billion". Currently used in most French-speaking, Scandinavian, Hispanic and Portuguese-speaking countries, with the exception of Brazil.