QR code generator
Created QR code will appear in this area
QR (abbr. from quick response) – a 2D matrix barcode, which was designed by one Japanese company. It can be scanned with mobile devices and stores up to 7089 numbers or 4296 symbols or 1817 hieroglyphs.
QR code scanner is a device that can read an encoded image (QR code); the image then is converted back into the text data, which is stored automatically. For example, if it is a QR code business card – it will be a new contact on your phone.
QR code scanner is a device that can read an encoded image (QR code); the image then is converted back into the text data, which is stored automatically. For example, if it is a QR code business card – it will be a new contact on your phone.
MERAGOR is online service for a free QR code generation. No registration needed. To create a graphical QR code online, fill in the appropriate form on a page and get a result you need.
It is easy to get a QR code online. The software for online QR code generation is implemented on this page to create a code in a full compliance with original data. The amount of encoded information is much bigger than in a barcode.
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