Volume converter

Volume converter is a convenient way to transfer one unit of volume to another within the framework of one or several systems of measures at the same time.

Volume units conversion.

Metric system
Cubic kilometer km3
Cubic meter m3
Cubic decimeter dm3
Cubic centimeter cm3
Cubic millimeter mm3
Hectoliter hl
Decaliter dal
Liter l
Deciliter dl
Centiliter SL
Milliliter ml
Microliter μl
British measure
Bushel bu
Gallon gal
Pint pt
Liquid ounce
Shipping Units
Register ton
Universal Panama Canal Measurement System (PC / UMS)
Japanese units
Sai (才)
Shaku (勺)
Go (合)
Shaw (升)
That (斗)
Koku (石)
Chinese units since 1930
Tribute (市 石)
Dow (市 斗)
Shen (市 升)
Ge (合)
Shao (勺)
Tsuo (撮)
Acre foot
Barrel (oil) bbl
Gallon gal
Pint pt
Liquid ounce
Liquid drachma
British and American from units of length
Cubic yard
One hundred cubic feet (ccf)
Cubic foot ft3
Cubic inch in3
British measure
Barrel (beer)
Bushel (bu)
Peck (pk)
Gallon (gal)
Quart (qt)
Pint (pt)
Liquid ounce (oz)
Old Russian measure of fluid
Barrel (beer)
Bushel (bu)
Peck (pk)
Gallon (gal)
Quart (qt)
Pint (pt)
Liquid ounce (oz)

Volume is the amount of space filled with a given substance or object. Volume may be in liquid, gas, or a solid object. The volume converter is convenient to use for work needs, studies, in cooking. (Use the unit converter for measuring bulk solids in cooking). As in most other methods of measurement, the basic system for measuring volume in international practice is the metric: cubic centimeters, decimeters, meters, etc. Volume units in the metric system, as well as area units, were formed on the basis of length units, based on the fact that the volume of the cube is equal to its edge raised to the third degree. Thus, metric units of volume are units of length with the prefix "cubic", with the exception of a liter. This rule also applies to UK volume units based on length units. At the same time, the United Kingdom and the United States use their own volume measurement systems, where each unit is a historical measure. These units, unlike metric ones, are interconnected by rather complex relationships and proportions. Like this system in Russia, there is an old Russian measure of fluid, which today is preserved only in speech circulation. In addition to the generally accepted units of measurement of volume in the culinary of all countries, measures of a spoon and a glass are used in order to simplify the process of measuring volume for a recipe. The volume converter will help to translate the usual numbers into the British system and other, more exotic, including historical methods of measuring volume. For example, ancient Russian measures for the volume of liquids are presented. How to use: For example, to calculate how many British gallons are contained in 10 liters of gasoline, insert the number 10 in the “liter” field and press Enter. The desired value in gallons is displayed in the same line of the converter.