Angle Converter

Angular converter is a convenient online tool for converting various units of angular measure into each other.

Conversion of units of angular measure

Common Units
Radian rad
Degree °
Minute '
Second "

An angle in geometry is a figure of two rays emerging from one point, called the vertex of an angle. Angles are measured in different ways (in degrees, radians, etc.), and the angle measure converter helps you convert all common units of the angle measure between each other. This tool greatly simplifies the work with geometric calculations. Any measure of the angle takes its reference from the circle, which is obtained by passing one of the rays of the full path to coincide with zero. Various methods of dividing the circle have led to the emergence of many units of measure and angle. Astronomers in ancient times drew an analogy of the trajectory of the Sun with a circle and divided it conditionally into 360 parts, approximately by the number of days in a year, thus obtaining a degree that we use today. Some scientists divided the circle into equal shares, for example, a quadrant or sextant - 4 and 6 parts, respectively. The followers of the metric system suggested dividing the right angle (a quarter of a circle) by 100 and called this unit “hail”. Each hail contains 100 metric minutes, and each minute is 100 metric seconds. In seafaring, rumba is used — the compass’s circumference, divided into 32 parts, where four directions of them indicate parts of the world. In the SI system, a radian is used to measure a flat angle, that is, an angle with an arc length equal to the radius of the circle. How to use the angle gauge converter: Enter the angle value in the corresponding field and press “Enter”. The online angle measure converter will automatically calculate this angle in all available units.