Light converter

Light Converter is an intuitive online tool for working with light. It allows you to convert various units of light intensity per area, to calculate the illumination in various situations.

Convert light units

Light intensity units per square
Lumen per square inch
Lumen per square foot
Lumen per square cm.
Lumen per square meter
Lighting Examples
Moonless night
Full moon night
Cinema screen
A nasty day
Summer cloudy noon
In the summer at 12:00 with clear sky
Other units
Stilb (sb)
Apostilb (asb)
Nit (nt)
Photographic units
Foot Candela (fc)
Candela meter

Illumination is a luminous quantity equal to the ratio of the luminous flux incident on a small surface area to its area. Luminous intensity is the amount of light energy transferred in a specific direction over a given period of time. In the SI system, luminous intensity is measured in candelas, but there are other units of measure for this physical quantity. How to use the light converter: Enter the number in the available units of light intensity in the appropriate field and press Enter. You will get all possible variants of this value in other units. Thanks to the column “Examples of illumination”, you can get an idea of ​​what these or other numbers mean in practice.