Baud rate converter

Data rate converter is an easy way to convert one unit of data rate to another, both within the framework of the systems for measuring the quantity (bits) and storage / processing of information (bytes) separately, and between them.

Convert Data Rate Units

Byte based units
Terabyte per second TB / s
Gigabytes per second GB / s
Megabytes per second MB / s
Kilobytes per second KB / s
Byte per second B / s
Basic units of data rate
Terabits per second Tbps
Gigabit per second Gbps
Megabits per second Mbps
Kilobits per second Kbps
Bit per second bps

Data transfer determines the throughput of a system or communication line, which has a limit in the form of the maximum possible data transfer rate. The data rate represents how much information can be sent in successive packets from one device to another per unit of time. The units of information are based on bytes and bits, so the smallest unit of data transfer speed will be bits per second (bps), which will later be converted to kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), etc. Accordingly, for ease of determination, the most commonly used units of speed are expressed in bits. Often, Internet users are upset when they see that the speed of downloading files is several times lower than what the connected tariff promises them. However, using the data rate converter, it is easy to find that the reason for this is the confusion between the units of measuring the speed of downloading information. The fact is that a variety of programs for downloading files from the Internet use different ways to display the download speed. Using the data rate converter, you may see that the value from the neighboring column corresponds to the one declared by the provider. How to use: To convert the speed in megabytes to megabytes, indicate your value in the corresponding line and press Enter. The converter will automatically recalculate in all units.